Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Villa Vennely, Home of Copenhagen Call Girls (1964)

So, this opened at the old Art theatre on Tuesday, September 12 1967.

So I watched this last night. "Copenhagen Girls" - ? Talk about selling the sizzle. Holy shit. I can only imagine the looks on the faces of Circle City porno connoisseurs expecting hot Danish action, and getting - instead - a couple of pendulous side-boobs poking out of hilariously gigantic bloomers in addition to "Viking Elvis (with Joseph Goebbels on hot lead guitar) meets the Danish Helen Shapiro," all to an incessant - and I mean - INCESSANT - soundtrack of Shadows-style Nordic instro-rock.

Actually, this is a bizarrely enjoyable film, more of a sort of a "Hard Day's Night" sort of thing detailing a group of young hookers living, Monkees-style, in a house with an oafish butler and an oily pimp who suddenly, toward the end of the film, waxes eloquent, ala a John Hughes "time to get serious" moment (the tragedy Larry Lester's butt cheeks, Cameron Frye's dad, etc etc etc) about the damnable hypocrisy of the middle class. Why - WHY - must prostitution remain illegal?

Anyway, worth a look, if only for the cool street shots of Dexter-Gordon-era Copenhagen, the hilarious scenes with the Sharks, and the somewhat-less-than-successful attempts to pull off "Ocean's 11"-style casino-gambling scenes on a 32 Kroner budget. In the garage.

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